Monday, March 10, 2025

Thoughts about "Melo Movie" / 멜로무비: For the sake of the what-was-not-meant-to-be

To be honest, I was rather apprehensive about watching this drama. 

While I did like "Our Beloved Summer" to a certain extent back then, I wasn't keen on watching another similar romance drama about ex-lovers reuniting with somewhat been-there-done-that vibes. To add on to my concerns, seeing Choi Woo-shik as the male lead again and what the trailer projected made me deliberate longer than expected before finally hitting the play button. It was only after I finished this drama when I finally found out that both dramas were written by the same scriptwriter.

Potential spoilers ahead, proceed with caution!

With regard to the lead couple's love story, I have to admit that it didn't quite resonate with me. Maybe it's just me but I thought that one big reason for this feeling was the romantic chemistry between Choi and Park Bo-young being a tad weak. It felt more like they were more friends rather than lovers. Coupled with the fact that the story of the lead couple was not as heart-wrenching as compared to the second lead couple, it was difficult to feel emotionally engaged when watching them. I do not know for sure but the notably higher number of sweet moments towards the end and kissing scenes sometimes in the weirdest scenario and timing (on the filming set when people were moving around???) stuck out like a sore thumb to me rather than accentuate the romance vibe between them. 

On the contrary, what was more fascinating about them were their individual stories and how they dealt with their own traumas, pain and feelings since childhood, found closure after all these years and sought comfort in each other's presence. In Mu-bi's case, her long unresolved guilt and pain related to her late father as well as the conflicting thoughts in her mind about her career choice were well-conveyed through Park's great acting. As for Gyeom's situation, I really liked Choi's monologues and acting in showing the contrast between Gyeom's cheery facade and his anguish, anxiety and self-doubt hidden deep down. While I was already impressed with Park from her past work "Daily Dose of Sunshine", Choi really surprised me this time with the emotional side of Gyeom which was in stark contrast with his usual cheery and youthful image in variety shows and his roles I had seen thus far.

While I wasn't too keen about the lead couple's love story, what kept me going till the end were the two subplots i.e. the brotherhood of Jun and Gyeom and the second lead couple's love story which were "not-mean-to-be".

Kim Jae-wook was simply superb as Jun who was a very complicated and deep character. Not only did Kim nail the intricate emotions of Jun as a young carer and an elder brother who had given much of his life to care for his younger brother, there was a relatively unknown side to him which was so nice and fun to watch. As the viewers got to discover the other side of Jun, it was so bittersweet because it could have been good if Gyeom got to know all these while Jun was still alive. Imagine the things they could have done and enjoyed more together but it was not meant to be. Ep 7 was the big tearjerker but it was good that the story didn't try to be overly dramatic and splash out on emotional outbursts. Everything seemed to flow naturally as in real life when we may not display our grief openly in times of loss and pain so I think that hit me more than I expected. And grief doesn't pour out at one go and can creep up at unexpected moments more often than we think. In particular, when Gyeom found it hard to go back to an empty home and slept in his car, that was so difficult to watch.

Lee Jun-young and Jeon So-nee had so much chemistry going on between them as the second lead couple who were so much in love but parted ways due to circumstances and changes in their mindsets as they grew up. From students to adults, things had changed between them but it would have been difficult to love with the same intensity and depth without letting the toll of reality weigh them down. The constant tug-of-war between the ex-lovers who still had lingering feelings for each other but found that it was not possible to reconcile despite so - some viewers may not like it that they did not get back together but I could understand why because the story explained it well. While feelings may remain even after people part ways, the intensity and nature of these lingering feelings do not necessarily make it possible for people to get back together. Besides, past trauma, concerns and issues which ended things the first time could still come back to haunt even if both parties had resolved them or talked them through. As such, while it might have been a fairytale ending if Si-jun and Jun-a got back together, I actually liked how things went the other way after they came to terms and healed themselves from the pain of the first break-up to move on.

I did not regret my choice of watching this drama but on hindsight, I thought that the pacing could be improved from Ep 3 onwards. I was quite close to giving this up because I just didn't like the extended focus on the lead couple. In particular, Gyeom's inability to think about anything else whenever Jun had an issue and going off the radar so easily instead of contacting Mu-bi in many ways possible in this digital age frustrated me a lot. Thankfully, as the brotherhood and second lead couple subplots took centrestage in the second half of the story, I was convinced to stay till the end although I would have wanted to see more of Kim Jae-wook. However, it would have been better to make this drama a bit shorter and cut out the fluff to make this more engaging and memorable.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Thoughts about "My Sibling's Romance" / 연애남매 - All it took to ruin a potentially awesome show were 2 gaslighters

After watching so many dating/romance reality shows over the years, I have become accustomed to the fact that a lot of the narratives featured tend to be skewed due to the editing so I don't have much emotional attachment to whether so-and-so ends up with who or whether who dates who after the show. Most, if not all the time, I watch these shows simply from the perspective of a detached observer of human behaviour and treat it like a fictional story featuring non-professional actors.

For this show, although I heard of it last year, I didn't want to wait for the weekly updates and decided to watch it when it concluded. Then again, I forgot all about it until I was reminded of this recently.

It's been a while since I watched something which I thought could potentially be a good one in this genre. As in it doesn't rely on heavily-edited drama and still provides warm vibes with characters who seem kind with well intentions. However, what happened in the second half of this show was simply maddening because everything went downhill, thanks to 2 gaslighters who messed up things for many of the participants.

To begin with, this show had a very unusual setting in that you entered a sharehouse with your sibling and hid this relationship from the other residents. While seeking your own romantic adventure, you can help your sibling in their romantic pursuits. Although it may be awkward and you will feel self-conscious about courting a love interest in front of your sibling, the relationship dynamics between family members also serves to provide some fun entertainment and heartwarming vibes for the viewers.

Or so it seemed to be when everyone was in Seoul.

To be honest, the Seoul arc did have its fair share of drama on the romance side with some experiencing "unrequited love" while some seemed to have developed mutual interest in each other. And since the siblings were revealed very early in the show, it was interesting to observe how different pairs of siblings reacted and behaved towards each other. Along with their family stories, some a bit sadder while some looked like the typical happy family, it made these characters endearing and easy to empathise with. What's more, most of them were not models, influencers or aspiring actors so this sort of made the show feel a bit more "real" compared to other shows when the participants clearly looked more interested in boosting their name awareness or increasing their social media follower count rather than seeking romance. As such, it was quite surprising to hear the topic of "what happens to us after the show" being thrown up repeatedly because some of the participants were clearly looking for a relationship to last rather than matching up solely for the sake of this show. And this showed very clearly in how some of them approached their love interests with caution because they really wanted to be as sure as they could before declaring their feelings for the other party.

Just when you thought that this fun and fuzzy vibe would continue when the setting moved to Singapore, things just went haywire. Or as some participants of Korean dating shows said everyone goes crazy when they move to a place outside of Seoul.

The Singapore arc, albeit short, gave the participants ample time to date 24/7 because they didn't need to go to work during this period. While in Seoul, some participants were so busy that they hardly stayed in the house and could only date late at night or during pockets of free time. This created an unfair situation where those who had more time could cultivate relationships faster and better than the others. However, having all the time in the world certainly doesn't mean that everything will go well because you get to observe things that you probably don't see on a 2-hr date. And that with more time to talk, you find out some things, for better or worse which may change your mind. Maybe that's why people say that the best test of a relationship is when the couple goes on a holiday and spends time together 24/7.

While I do have favourite pairings at times, these people not ending up together may raise eyebrows for a brief moment but once the show finishes, there's nothing to feel unhappy or upset about anyway. However, what got me seriously mad from the Singapore arc was the behaviour of 2 gaslighters who eventually ended up together (good for them though and a blessing in disguise for those who got spurned!). It is the first time in a long while for a reality show like this that I had skipped most of this couple's scenes especially in the last three episodes because their behaviour was seriously off-putting.

While it is perfectly normal to change your mind and heart and like someone else other than your initial love interest, it is definitely not acceptable when you blame your initial love interest with ridiculous reasons for your change of heart instead of coming clean. And it's obvious that your true feelings lies elsewhere right from the start because you were being so disrespectful by talking about another woman constantly while on a date with someone else. To maintain this "consistent and faithful" image, you pretended to keep someone on the sidelines until the very end before blaming her for causing you to lose interest. It's as if you are trying to make the other party feel that everything is their fault through this kind of gaslighting behaviour. She already told you not to confuse her anymore and you kept flip-flopping and were so flippant with your attitude. What's with the open declaration to everyone that you had lost interest in her? More public humiliation for someone who spent a lot of time with you? Couldn't you have made this known only to her and your final choice because they were the only people who should know about this? And yet you can still claim to be honest and sincere in your actions when everything showed otherwise. Don't even get me started on that yellow dolphin-destiny rubbish because you would certainly have repacked your luggage to replace autumn/winter clothes in Seoul with summer ones for the Singapore climate and that bulky plushie couldn't have been slipped into your suitcase by mistake. This move already betrayed your intention to change your mind back when you were in Seoul so don't blame the Singapore trip and the increased exposure time with your initial love interest for this. To make sure that your final choice's second choice would be seen negatively, you even hurt your own sister by adding on to her humiliation in front of the group. That's hardly acceptable behaviour from someone whose onscreen image at first was a loving and protective elder brother.

On the other hand, the female version gaslighter had shifting goalposts on what kind of person she was looking for through this show and kept contradicting herself. It was clear that she was smitten with the male gaslighter right from the start but as he pretended to have the hots for someone else, she gave up and looked for a second choice. However, once the male gaslighter declared that he was on the market again, she swiftly found fault with her second choice and displayed such disinterested behaviour almost immediately yet blamed him for not doing what she expected. Frankly speaking, this just screamed dishonesty and a lack of basic respect for the other party and I felt so bad for the second choice who was still trying to convince her of his sincerity till the end. It was even worse when the second choice mentioned that his ex who resembled this female gaslighter had hurt him badly so I wouldn't be surprised if he became traumatised by the experience this time as a result. In addition, as she kept projecting her elder brother as someone who's so useless and not deserving of the praise and admiration from the rest of the group, it also came across quite evidently that if she had shown the slightest appreciation for her elder brother in any way, he would have reacted differently as well. The rest of the group could see her elder brother's good points (especially how he made meals for everyone - sometimes one by one at different timings, cared for them in various ways and even stood up for the male gaslighter's original love interest by encouraging her to lash out and flare up for how she was treated) and reciprocated accordingly. I certainly wouldn't want to do things for someone who disses me and shows zero appreciation for my efforts all the time. 

As for the Singapore arc, while I really hated to see what happened between the participants, it was no doubt a good travelogue in a sense to showcase the sights here. In recent years, there have been quite a number of Korean shows which filmed in Singapore which I think it's good exposure for us to some extent. However, I also can't help but wonder why they keep going to the same few places to shoot especially some of which are not necessarily the top choice for locals. I felt bad for the cast and crew too because they clearly came during the year-end monsoon season when it would probably rain every day. Coupled with the high humidity after the rain, it was quite painful to see them sweating like mad because I know exactly how uncomfortable that feels. The scene when Cho-A was at Brewerkez One Fullerton was especially memorable. I can just imagine how hot it must be for her because her fringe was sticking to her forehead and her make-up looked like it was melting. Not to mention that the date she had there was simply annoying to sit through because of that male gaslighter.

If not for the gaslighting couple, I think I would have rated this show more highly based on the Seoul arc alone. 

On an ending note, I just want to highlight that I really liked some of the siblings' interactions especially the two sets of Park siblings - Jae-hyung and Se-seung as well as Cho-A and Cheol-hyun. While Jae-hyung and Se-seung may poke fun of each other at times, they stand united as family and have each other's back when faced with a crisis. Likewise for Cho-A and Cheol-hyun who went through tough times, their love and support for each other became such a beautiful sight to behold. From brother-in-law hunter to brother-in-law killer...that was bittersweet but I'm glad Cheol-hyun called out the male gaslighter for his lack of sincerity towards Cho-A. I was really moved when they said that they wanted to show through this show how well they had grown up to be despite their difficult circumstances in the past. Truly impressive to rise against the odds.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thoughts about "Hyena" / 하이에나 - A bit different yet largely been-there-done-that

After watching "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call", I was in the mood for more of Ju Ji-hoon's works so that was why I finally embarked on this 2020 title which had been sitting in my to-watch list for ages. 

While I do like legal/courtroom dramas, I was a bit apprehensive about watching this partly because of the synopsis which suggested that it was more about the rivalry between two top lawyers who had differing values when it came to dealing with their rich and powerful clients. And since such rivalry stories tend to end up with the leads either coming to terms with their differences and becoming allies and/or lovers, I wondered if it was worth spending so much time watching a been-there-done-that kind of story already replicated elsewhere many times.

The first episode turned out to be very interesting as it actually showed the lead couple falling in love for real despite the circumstances that led to their meeting. The chemistry between Ju and Kim Hye-su was simply sizzling and such a joy to watch. As such, to see them "regressing" from lovers to rivals and the constant tug-of-war between them in terms of their feelings for each other was such a refreshing and unexpected approach to take. Since Kim's character was not the typical weak/passive female lead, it was exciting to see her acting opposite Ju who still managed to hold his own against his senior and not let the pairing appear unconvincing.

The problem was, things sort of spiraled down from there. Since the first episode literally started off with a bang, what happened after that became so predictable and I couldn't care less about their work rivalry because the cases and clients were quite boring. Things did improve a bit from the point they became allies but still, the legal action left much to be desired. Considering that this amounted to a huge portion of the story, there were times when I was really tempted to hit the fast-forward button or increase the playback speed just to get through these parts.

The "conspiracy" or "final villain" part in the second half of the story was also less compelling that I would have expected. To begin with, it was so easy to guess who would be the biggest baddie. Moreover, the process to nab the villain felt a bit sloppy and rushed that I felt as if all that build-up over several episodes amounted to an underwhelming ending. Coupled with how the stepfather threat simply fizzled out too easily, everything just felt like it was all for nothing.

There were also some parts which I felt could have been addressed that might have given the story a bit more depth and complexity:
- Did the biggest baddie have a role to play in his wife's condition? 
- What was the biggest baddie's motivation in pushing for the inheritance tax act? To take over his wife's assets?
- Was the female lead's fixation with the Song & Kim building merely for money or did she actually have a grudge against this law firm?

Although I wouldn't say that I wasted my time on this drama, I thought that it was way too long for a story which could be more concise. The legal parts of it were just not engaging enough and too predictable for me. If you are in this for the sake of the romantic tug-of-war between the lead couple, this should be quite entertaining though.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Thoughts about "Offline Love" (オフラインラブ) - A Japanese romance-travelogue with old-school analogue charm

While I have watched quite a number of romance-reality shows to date, most of them were Korean titles. To be honest, the formula of most dating shows is indeed getting stale and often, I don't really care about who gets matched with who in the end. The draw nowadays for me has got more to do with observing interesting things about human behaviour in unique settings. Nonetheless, the good thing is, some shows are really getting creative with how they come up with unusual situations for romance to take place.

In this sense, "Offline Love" offered a very interesting premise because it was so old-school and analogue. In this digital world where convenience and speed are at our fingertips as long as we have smartphones and the Internet, having your electronic devices taken away for 10 days in a foreign land with nothing but a special guidebook and depending on destiny/chance to meet your match sounds really fascinating. No GPS, no online maps, no social media, no instant messaging, no search engine, cannot take photos and videos on your phone - can you survive without these for more than a week? Under normal circumstances, we probably wouldn't be able to last a day without our devices. And not to mention that you are in a foreign land without a translator app on your phone. What's more, you can't really contact your love interest in real time and have to depend on handwritten letters or meeting up in person to convey your thoughts and make date arrangements.

I've lived long enough to go through the era pre-handphones but wasn't old enough to be able to date at that time. As such, seeing this way of analogue communication was so nostalgic yet refreshing at the same time. Given that the cast in this dating show were 30 and below and wouldn't have experienced the inconvenience of not-so-instant communication in that era, it was actually funny at some point to see how they struggled with this setting initially. However, people do adapt quickly so when they got used to this mode of communication, the awkwardness slowly melted away and the interactions between the cast members got a lot more smoother. Then again, things which wouldn't have been an issue in this era would become more evident such as missing your date literally by inches even though you two are at the same place or that making plans and cancelling them aren't that easy to do anymore. More thought has to be put into the actions and intentions can sometimes be mistaken just by the written word (same issue as with electronic text messages though since there is no tone and facial expression). In a way, that also helped the cast to focus entirely on their dates and love interests rather than be too caught up with using their devices and depend on the convenience of the modern era to play the dating game.

What was also good about this reality show was how it offered the option of not making a choice. One thing which I really dislike about dating shows is that there would often be at least one or two cast members who couldn't find someone they wanted to choose or that the person they wanted was highly unlikely to choose them back. However, such shows never allowed people to leave on their own or give up their choices so it became a torture to see them choosing for the sake of choosing just to follow the rules of the show. I felt bad for the people who had to choose despite their intentions and those who were chosen because it came across as disrespectful and meaningless at the same time. Luckily, this show gave the cast an option to walk away on their own rather than making a silly choice for nothing so I was glad that it gave people the opportunity to do what they felt was best for themselves.

One other selling point of this show was the beautiful scenery in Nice and other cities in southern France such as Cannes as well as Monaco. Even if you view this show simply as a travelogue, I think it was indeed worth the time investment. There were also quite a lot of scenes showcasing the gastronomical delights on offer and the names of the places they visited were all indicated clearly. This will be useful for those planning to visit those places which is a good deviation from most dating shows in the past which tend to hide shop and location names for some reason - perhaps because there wasn't any commercial arrangement to allow that.

Coming to the parts which I didn't quite like - while I thought it would have been interesting to see Koizumi Kyoko as a panelist in a dating show, I was not so keen on having her sandwiched between two comedians who I didn't know in the first place. Nothing against them (despite one of them currently suspending his activities due to an ongoing scandal) but it felt like they were doing most of the talking so Koizumi became more of a secondary panelist who reacted to their questions rather than proactively talking about her observations or sharing her experience. While I can understand that she may not be comfortable leading the conversation, the composition of the panel could be more diversified if there are future seasons. The panelists' sections also felt like they became longer towards the end of the season - was it because there was lesser footage to air or there were more points they wanted to talk about? And accumulating a few scenes before making the commentary may not have been that disruptive because it reduced the back-and-fro but it also created the situation where you had to struggle to recall what happened much earlier in order to understand what the panelists were talking about. And honestly speaking, the set design for the panelists section was a tad disappointing. I also wondered if the panelists were comfortable sitting in those high chairs rather than comfy sofas in a more cosy-looking set than a largely-white background with drawings.

The part about people missing each other on the streets despite being in the same place - I can certainly understand that being possible in real life because there are times when I fail to notice an acquaintance walking past me or towards me until the other party grabs my attention by waving or doing something. The problem is, I would expect the camera crew to follow the cast members quite closely in such shows so I find it hard to imagine being unable to see a group of people gathered on the streets with camera and sound equipment. As such, that got me a bit bothered and wondered if it was an orchestrated move to emphasize the importance of fate and chance in life.

One other thing is the tendency for cast members to be mostly in their 20s and a large number of them being public figures such as actors, models and influencers. While I get it that having young and attractive people appear in such shows is a huge draw for some viewers, I don't really feel or identify with the emotional states of such younger people as relative to my age. And the occupations of these cast members also cast doubt on their intentions by joining these shows - is it for the exposure or are they really in it to find romance? Since they are so attractive in terms of looks, you also can't help but wonder if they need a dating show like this to find romance. And after the show, how many of them indeed continue to date or are they matched up just for the sake of the show? Especially when you consider many to be young actors/actresses, announcing publicly that they are dating someone is probably not what their agencies would want them to do.

As such, I find that these nagging thoughts often affect how immersive and engaging such shows can be for the viewers. That is why I also realised that I gradually didn't care about the pairings anymore and focused more on the process and the peripherals like the scenery when watching such shows. Reality shows no longer grounded in reality can be somewhat of a turnoff, at least to me. However, it's also important to remember that such reality shows are heavily edited and the narrative often skewed to a certain extent so we don't get the full picture about the cast members as well. While I would say that the general flow of this show didn't differ too much from other formats of the same genre, the unique settings and scenery alone should be worth checking out.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

【童話故事下集】/ I Am Married...But! 观后感:略欠新意但颇有亮点的故事和演员们








Monday, February 10, 2025

Thoughts about "Island / 아일랜드" - A mixed bag of pluses and minuses

I have to admit, the reason why I wanted to watch this was only for Kim Nam-gil.

Then again, it took me more than a year before I finally got started with this. While part of the reason was because I had no access to Amazon Prime until recently, another reason for the delay was my lack of interest in the genre of fantasy style-demon slaying. And even after I could watch this show on Amazon, it took me a couple of months later to hit that play button.

Since I have not read the webtoon before, I didn't know what exactly to expect, the basic settings of the stories and characters nor how the cast matched the original characters in terms of appearance and vibe. As such, I approached this with minimal knowledge and wasn't expecting too much in the first place other than to fulfill my wish of seeing Kim Nam-gil onscreen. 

Interestingly, I felt that this drama had some similarities with "Kingdom" and "Goblin" along the way and kept making notes to compare them in my mind. In terms of the techniques employed in demon-slaying, "Kingdom" was on the analogue side of the spectrum because of its historical setting while "Island" featured some high tech stuff e.g. GPS tracking, mobile phones and car chases. The way the lust demons preyed on humans and multiplied also had similarities. On the other hand, the relationship of Van and Miho reminded me of the couple in "Goblin" in that there was a tragic element that made it difficult for them to be together. And the fact that Van lived for a long time in solitude and couldn't die - that was similar to Gong Yoo's role in "Goblin".

First of all, the pluses:
  • The action scenes in the first few episodes were quite sleek and impressive to watch. Seeing Kim Nam-gil fight like that in those black-and-white suits was already worth my time investment to a certain degree. ^__^
  • - The strong acting, especially from Sung Joon (Gungtan), Go Doo-shim (Grandma / Geum Baek-ju) and guest star Choi Tae-joon (Kang Chan-hee) left a deep impression on me. 
  • Kim Nam-gil was good in his own way too but the way his character Van was supposed to be, he couldn't be as expressive or show much emotion as compared to some of his other roles or his true personality offscreen. This may give people the wrong impression that his acting was stiff though.
  • This was also my first time watching Cha Eun-woo and Lee Da-hee in action and I thought that they did decently well.
  • Fortunately, the story did explain some of the key questions like how Van became weaker the more he spent time with Mi-ho or why he didn't get sucked into the ground in ancient times when Mi-ho sealed Gungtan and the other lust demons.
Now...the minuses for me were:
  • There were some parts which seemingly contradicted each other or didn't seem to fit in quite well with various elements. For example, the parts about how Catholic prophecies were depicting what happened in Korean myths and folklore, Catholic priests sent to Korea to protect the saviour of the world, Western exorcism working its magic on lust demons in Korea or that holy water loaded in shot gun bullets can kill the lust demons that easily towards the end but Van had to do so much and hurt himself just to kill one in the earlier episodes. As such, this made it difficult for me to immerse myself in the story without questioning the logic of these settings.
  • The demon slaying scenes relied so much on CG towards the end that it was overkill and tiring to watch.
  • The damsel-in-distress setting for Mi-ho was simply too annoying and didn't match her gusty actions and strong/independent appearance at first. While it was logical that Mi-ho had to depend on Van and Johan to save her from the lust demons, I expected that she would become stronger and more significant in the fight against the demons. No doubt she was the person who saved the day, it just didn't match the suffering that the guys around her had to go through just to put her in that position and Lee Da-hee had to make her character look so vulnerable and dependable on Van that it felt so uncomfortable. I hoped that Mi-ho might have been a different type of heroine to hold her own but it was disappointing to note that this wasn't the case after all.
  • Yet another drama/movie where Kim Nam-gil's character "died"! 
In view of this mixed bag of pluses and minuses, I struggle to conclude whether I liked this drama. Seeing how the drama finished with an open ending, I also wonder if I would still like to watch a sequel just to tie up the loose ends and find out what the White Sect is all about. Even if Kim Nam-gil returns to headline this drama, I cannot say for sure if I will be onboard again for more of this story.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Thoughts about "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call / 중증외상센터" - A fine balance between the wackiness and seriousness

With no prior knowledge of the original webtoon, I watched this primarily for the sake of Ju Ji-hoon.

As expected, Ju was spot-on with his portrayal of Baek Kang-hyuk with so much finesse, suaveness (both with reference to his looks and performance) and wackiness. While the character might be rude and aggressive at times, it was hard to dislike him at all. Of course, if you had to deal with someone like that in your workplace, this might be a different story though. That being said, the drama may have been led by him and he dominated with his strong screen presence but the supporting cast still pulled their weight to make this a very enjoyable show from start to finish. The veterans such as Yoon Kyung-ho, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Won-hae and Kim Sun-young were pivotal as well in making the cast line-up more well-rounded.

While I have never watched Choo Young-woo in action before, I was very impressed with how he managed to hold his own against the overpowering Ju (in terms of screen presence and his strong character in the story). Of course, Yang Jae-won a.k.a. Anus and No.1 was led around by Baek and subjected to the latter's high demands and standards. However, it was unmistakable that in the span of just 8 episodes, the development of Jae-won from someone who lacked confidence in himself as a doctor to one who could make critical decisions without running away from responsibility and in a logical manner was done in a comprehensive and believable manner. 

On the other hand, Ha Young's character Cheon Jang-mi a.k.a. Gangster who was already a senior nurse with years of experience was comparatively more "developed" in her career compared to Jae-won. As such, the story didn't really need to show her "growing up" but rather how she could thrive in her role as a senior nurse under the right management and the right amount of trust placed in her. Jang-mi had so much spunk and liveliness with the strength of someone who wasn't a pushover despite nurses often being portrayed as those who needed to follow the doctor's lead all the time and their contributions always overlooked or belittled. Under Baek who recognised her talent and contributions, it was obvious to see that while the external environment outside the Trauma team wasn't that friendly towards them, she could still do her best with so much positive energy and be the lubricant for the rest of the team when things got rough and hold them together.

As for the anesthetist Park Gyeong-won played by Jung Jae-kwang, I thought that his face looked a bit familiar but struggled to remember in which work I had seen him before. Although I did some research after watching this drama and found that he appeared in "Save Me" and "The Fiery Priest" before, I have to admit that this still didn't ring a bell to me as to what his roles were in those titles. Anyway, despite his limited airtime here, I thought that his character was quite distinct and the twist towards the end showing his real thoughts and personality added a fine touch to make Park Gyeong a lot more memorable this time.

As for the story, it wasn't a typical hospital/medical drama in the sense that it managed to infuse a lot of wacky and fun moments which would make viewers chuckle or laugh out loud at some of the nonsense on display. However, the humour was well-balanced with the more serious scenes so it didn't feel so heavy and hard to get through. Moreover, the pacing of the story was speedy so 8 episodes flew by so quickly. While I am usually not a fan of sequels no matter how much I like the original series/movie, this is probably one of the few which I would be more than happy to see a Season 2 especially given that the ending had hinted at the expansion of the Trauma team and more resources devoted to them.

Coincidentally or not, there seemed to be some references to "Hospital Playlist" as the facade of the HNUH seemed to be the same as Yulje Medical Centre. In the first episode, there was also a doctor call where the announcement asked for "Ahn Jeong-won" who was played by Yoo Yeon-seok. If you are a fan of "Hospital Playlist", you might want to keep a lookout for these.

If I have to cite one thing which I didn't quite like about this drama, it would have to be the surgical scenes. I appreciated the amount of detail and effort put into such scenes but there was so much blood and organs to see that it made me a bit queasy and I had to look away from the screen when it got too much to take in. Granted that the setting of the story was in the trauma centre and surgical scenes were a fixture, there was no way these could be cut down. However, if you are the type who can't really stomach such scenes, be mentally prepared to manage but I would say that the rest of the drama besides these scenes should be worth your time and effort to stick with it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Thoughts about "The Glory" - The original is still the best

While this drama has been in my Netflix to-watch list for ages, I just didn't have the urge to get started with this for some unexplainable reason. Was it because I already heard and read so much about the story that I lost interest? Or was it because the number of episodes was a huge psychological barrier for me? 

However, after watching the HK version which was supposedly inspired by the Korean original, I finally got that elusive push to start on this title. Perhaps it's because I wanted to do a compare-and-contrast between both versions. I think that it also had to do with the fact that I wanted to end 2024 with something which I kind of expected to be decent and not be a waste of my time.

Well, I understand now why this drama was so raved about. At long last.

Despite the number of episodes, the running time for each episode was comparatively shorter than most Korean dramas so this helped me to get through the entire drama in a shorter period of time. Coupled with the fact that the pacing of the engaging story was fast but not rushed, it was easy to get hooked and watch one episode after another. I'm actually glad that I watched this after the entire series was released - just imagine the pain of waiting for the next episode when there were cliffhangers and that the drama was released in two parts. And what's critical to the drama's success is that the story was wrapped up in a really gratifying manner with the baddies meeting their deserved ends in the ways which would have hurt them the most.

Great acting from the cast especially Song Hye-kyo and Lim Ji-yeon definitely helped to lift the story to new heights. While Song's acting had to be a bit subdued and outwardly calm at times, the simmering fury within her character Dong-eun was definitely noticeable and the times when she broke down were especially memorable and engaging to watch. On the other hand, Lim had more room to display the varied emotions experienced by Yeon-jin especially in the second half of the drama and her screen presence thanks to her height and image definitely helped to make the character more menacing.

To be honest, I haven't watched much of Song's acting in the past except bits and pieces from "Autumn in my heart" and "Full House" when they were showing on free-to-air TV in Singapore. Even for Lim, the only time I saw her was in "Money Heist Korea" and she didn't appear a lot in that. As such, this drama turned out to be a huge turning point for me because it really showed how the two of them are so good in their acting thus it made sense why they won a number of awards for their performance.

Yeom Hye-ran was good as always while Jung Sung-il turned out to be a surprise discovery for me and I really liked his final scenes when he exacted revenge in his own way. Reuniting with Lee Do-hyun for the first time since "Hotel del Luna" was a pleasant thing even though I had concerns at first about how he was going to play Song's love interest here given their age difference. Knowing that his real life love interest was Lim turned out to be a distraction while watching the drama because I was more interested to see how the two of them interacted on screen rather than get swept up in the romance between Dong-eun and Yeo-jeong. Surprisingly or not, it turned out that Lee and Lim had less than 5 scenes together so it made me more curious about how this drama could have turned out to be the matchmaker that brought them together.

Coming to how the Korean original compares to the HK remake, I think that the former excels in the following aspects:
- Even with lesser episodes, the Korean version's story was "complete" and logical. 
- The cast's acting on the whole was stronger in the Korean version.

While the HK version was quite different in terms of the story such as the motive for revenge i.e. bullying by school bullies vs. sexual assault, the basic settings from the Korean version could be seen here - the person taking revenge represented by the colour black and darkness while the person who did wrong dressed in brighter colours and softer background tones. In addition, the protagonist had to depend on various people to help her in her revenge journey while the baddie had some "accomplices" or associates on her side. However, what didn't work so well for me in the HK version was how so many developments turned out to be too coincidental and too good to be true. Meanwhile, the Korean version showed how meticulous the planning for the revenge was and even if there were distractions or unexpected hiccups, it didn't really derail Dong-eun's plans that drastically. In addition, the background story of how Yeo-jeong and Dong-eun came to know each other and work together on her revenge was carefully laid-out and logical. I just wasn't convinced about the same thing over at the HK version's side - it always felt like the guy liked the female lead so much and did so much even at his own expense but I couldn't get the "why" behind his actions. If the HK version had been a standalone story right from the start and not "borrow" so many elements from the Korean version, it could have been pretty good despite the loopholes. However, due to the Korean version's success, it would have made the HK version pale in comparison.

As for the acting, I think that the Korean cast was generally of a pretty high standard, even for the supporting actors. There were some in the HK cast which I thought was quite weak and not so enjoyable to watch. I also couldn't help but feel that some of them in the HK version were trying too hard to match up to the hype surrounding the Korean version instead of pursuing and showing their unique charms and traits of their characters. That was a pity though because the positioning of the HK version as something inspired by the Korean version would have exposed it to the danger of being compared and affected the "originality" of the HK version despite it actually not being a complete copy-and-paste.

Personally, I am not a fan of remakes especially if the original version had enjoyed huge success. While I don't discount the possibility of the remake surpassing its predecessor in terms of quality and popularity, there is an inherent hurdle to clear because of comparisons made between both versions. And because of my experience so far that I hardly see any sequel or remake being better than the original version, I always tread with caution when it comes to watching such titles. And besides, I do prefer to see new and varied content rather than rehashing the same success formula elsewhere. This time is one of the few rare instances when I watched the sequel/remake before the original but it turned out that the original still had the upperhand in my personal opinion.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thoughts about "Europe Outside Your Tent: Romantic Italy" - More than just camping this time with lots of local charms

To date, I have watched all seasons of the "Europe Outside Your Tent" series but honestly speaking, the concept was getting a bit stale by now especially when some of the cast members didn't seem to enjoy the camping that much. In addition, it was getting repetitive and somewhat predictable to see the same formula of driving to the campsite, setting up the tents, cooking meals, spending a night and leaving the campsite the following day repeated for a good 10+ episodes. Although there was time given to explore the local sights at times, this was largely limited since it did look like the trips were organised around pretty tight schedules and they had to cover a lot of places rather than spend extended time in a spot.

Among all the installments, my No.1 favourite was the Norway season which was largely due to the breathtakingly beautiful sights there in winter rather than anything special or particularly enjoyable that was done during the camping time. While I did enjoy the previous season starring Ra Mi-ran in France especially the parts when they did activities or went trekking, the new season with a different cast other than Ra was not really high on my list to watch.

This time round, Ra's co-stars were people who she hardly knew or had never met prior to this trip - Kwak Sun-young, Lee Joo-bin and Lee Se-young so it did feel a bit different from the onset compared to the last season. I was a bit concerned that this unfamiliarity might make the vibe a bit awkward but over the course of the trip, you can see that the actresses warmed up to one another naturally and gradually. It was also interesting for me as a viewer to see a different side of the co-stars beyond the impressions I had of them in their works. The funny thing was I actually didn't recognise Lee Joo-bin who appeared in "Money Heist Korea" until much later.

What worked for me this time was that more time was devoted to the travel aspect of the trip rather than the camping. And the amount of cooking scenes was considerably scaled down as the theme shifted from feasting at the camp to comparatively speedier and simpler meals. Not to say that I didn't like watching the cast cook and eat but too much of the same thing can be boring. And there is a high tendency that they tend to cook Korean food rather than taste more of the local stuff but to be fair, they actually modified their recipes when using local ingredients. Although the concept of the show is still about camping, I thought that the balance in this season was better because people surely don't spend all of their days at the campsite only in real life. It makes more sense to incorporate the travel aspect more prominently or else this should be re-positioned as a pure camping show and not a camping + travel show.

A key part of traveling is to explore the local sights and enjoy local food so I was happy to note that the cast got more opportunities to eat out especially when they were in Austria and Germany which were definitely more interesting and enjoyable to watch. However, the tight schedule also meant that things were so rushed during the last two stops that I would have wanted to watch more and in greater detail. I also felt bad for the cast who only had 2 hours of free time to explore Munich. Perhaps when planning the trips next time, it might be better to focus on a single region or limit country hopping to no more than 2 although I get that it's more economical and better for TV to have multiple places covered. Variety is important but I actually want to see more of the things beyond the usual touristy spots and a more in-depth and intimate take on the sights that might not be so accessible or commonly-known.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thoughts about "Squid Game Season 2" - Deeper into character development but lacking in excitement and novelty

It's been a good 3 years since Season 1 of "Squid Game" took the world by storm and Season 2 is finally released on Netflix. Well, the issue with this is, the long time gap could be this series' undoing in more ways than one. And it's not just the wait between Seasons 1 and 2 but also the unknown gap we will be subjected to while waiting for Season 3 next year.

While I wouldn't count myself as a fan of the series, I thought back then that why it succeeded in making waves worldwide could be attributed to a number of factors:
- the unusual concept of the drama of weaving seemingly simple childhood games into life-and-death situations and testing the limits of humanity
- its underlying social themes about inequality in terms of power, status and money presented through this "mini society" created within the confines of the game
- artistic presentation through its vibrant colours and scale of its sets
- the violence while gory, added a necessary gripping element and visual impact to the story
- interesting characters with their unique standout traits. 
Coupled with the fact that nobody initially expected what was going to come, these sort of helped to fuel the high satisfaction viewers felt. 

The problem now was, how are the sequels going to match up or exceed the success of Season 1? Especially since the sequels are going to be in two seasons?

No doubt that I expected that Season 2 was going to be the connector or transit point to the real finale in Season 3, to have things end on such a cliffhanger and be possibly kept waiting till the end of 2025 (hopefully not!) for the conclusion is not a nice feeling. As such, it wasn't surprising to see the mixed reviews on Season 2 because people expected more but didn't get what they wanted especially after waiting for so long. And to be honest, the games this time were not so exciting and novel than those in Season 1. In fact, a lot of the time was spent on character development and filling in the blanks on their background stories so it was inevitable that there was less room for games or more event-driven scenes. Although I liked seeing the deeper character development which made sense in understanding the characters' actions and motivations, something has to be sacrificed for the sake of this so it could be a conscious gamble to devote time on this for Season 2 and pave the groundwork for Season 3.

In terms of the characters playing the game this time, there were some similarities with those in Season 1 albeit with some tweaks in settings. Some of them were not fully fleshed out though so they might only become more interesting in the next season. Lee Byung-hun's appearance this time seems to have overshadowed Lee Jung-jae in more ways than one so it remains to be seen how the two will battle it out in the finale. However, I think it was Gong Yoo's character which had the most impact among everyone despite the limited airtime he had. Too bad that he's probably not going to be back in Season 3. 

While I wouldn't say that Season 2 was totally disappointing, it did fail to meet some expectations. Whether this will be washed away in Season 3 remains to be seen but there's a lot of loose ends to be tied so I'm a bit concerned if everything will be wrapped up properly by then. And frankly speaking, if the wait for Season 3 takes way too long, it might make it more difficult for the series to regain lost ground in terms of momentum, viewer satisfaction and popularity. I just hope that it won't take another year before we can be done with this series.