Sunday, February 3, 2013

Taking a breather from the frenzy - Bakerzin

Amid the chaos that's due to this being the last weekend before the Lunar New Year, it was great that I could find a time and place to sit down and recharge after a long hectic week at work. I try to update the Dorama World blog almost every day especially if there are any J-ent news but of late, it's been such a crazy state of things that I can only manage updates at one go once every couple of days. Watching the people go by with huge shopping bags of Lunar New Year goodies but separated from them by a glass wall, it sort of made me feel as if I was sheltered from the crowds for a brief moment.

Frankly speaking, my visits to Bakerzin are more about the cakes rather than their food in general so that's why I've tried more of their cakes compared to other items on the menu. Of all the cakes they offer, Foret Noir is my favourite. It's similar to blackforest cake in a sense but the chocolate flakes on top and the slightly wet sponge cake with the wine cherries are such a great combination that I keep going back for more. I don't usually have a favourite drink that I must order so for this visit, I ended up ordering this kiwi-apple soda. It was a tad sour but considering the sweetness of the cake, it evened out the taste so I guess it was a good match after all.

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